“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill


Victoria Hospitals Foundation

Annual Fundraiser Visions Gala at the Empress Hotel in support of the VHF

Over nearly two decades I have donated a significant work of art to the VHF Gala Auction which is their largest annual fund-raising event.  In 2019 I was designated as a “Companion” donor, and as of April 2021 the total funds raised by my artwork exceeded $36,000.   I am very proud to be recognized by this important organization that provides vital medical equipment and support to our community.


BC Cancer Foundation

The fund-raising committee of BC Cancer Foundation (Victoria) hosts an Annual Fundraiser known as Jingle Mingle held at the Empress Hotel in December each year. I have donated a large painting to this auction fundraiser for the past 6 or more years.


CNIB Canadian Institute for the Blind

Eye Appeal – Biennial Art Auction held at the Crystal Garden (Victoria, BC)

I have supported this charity for over 10 years. They provide valuable services to vision compromised individuals through their Eye Appeal Art Auction.


Roots Reunited

Sponsoring Refugee families from the Middle East to Canada.

“What brings us together is a shared vision of bringing refugees to safety in our community, and reuniting extended family members.”

I have supported this group in a variety of ways, most recently with the donation of a painting to their online auction. 


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